Wednesday 17 December 2008

Leisure Time

Once again the author has nothing to do and occupies himself as well as he can. So - he has something to do, has he not? But nothing regular, for he cannot earn money from it. But after all, he must insist he is not simply hanging around.
Of course this tiny semantical dilemma is of no importance, as any freelancer can confirm. Over hundred years ago so eloquently praised by writers to be a mixture of art and life, this concept has finally made its arrival into modern world of employment. There it is called - in a similarly impressionist way to the era when dealing with time was put into the focus of self-representation - time management. And this kind of management is - as we as conditioned time spirit participants officiously are secreting saliva of ideas - above all: flexible.
Flexibility means de-differentiation of high-grade differentiation. Before somebody gets the idea to take away the psychiatic nursing staff's leisure time to draw their attention towards the author, it might be high time for an explanation. The more scopes of work are differentiated, the more experts mushroom up, the more complicated it becomes to coordinate these freewheeling scopes. Since the notion of project management has been spreading, all those professions maintaining a classical concept of time organization (which is going bowling after work) have come under enormous pressure of legitimation. It is the client whose outsourcing decides who will work for how long - which means, having outsourced the client has been entitled to define his demands as undisciplinedly as possible, since the project consultant will save him that. The client has missed the deadline to inform of internal information the consultant needs to know? No problem - the project workers will have to be called back on the motorways, if necessary. What are mobile phones for, anyway?
So this means for one thing working time is shifting to former leisure time. However, it is not necessarily expanding, for as the number of intranet downloads of silly cartoons indicates, leisure time in turn consists of more or less extensive phases of doing nothing, or to be more precise: waiting. For the client, see above. And exactly this means temporal de-differentiation of division of labour: within working time there is leisure time, within leisure time there is working time. Modern form of homework which prefers to be called telework takes this recombination of dissolved units even locally into account. More and more it mixes workplace and housing . to the worker's (and in a way the inland revenue's) regret who is compelled to move sofas evrey morning and evening.
So differentiation of time results in time again; when continuously formed, time turns into a medium. Leisure time falls into working time and leisure time. That goes for working time, too. Nonetheless, there is a difference between the traditional and the modern leisure time. Just because modern leisure time at the workplace can only appear as the legitimate form of waiting, boredom spreads pretty quickly. This is because that kind of leisure time is actually not free for, but only from something - namely a specific task. This can sometimes be quite annoying. From that point of view the would-be humorist downloads are still harmless, as long as they do not contain pornography. As the admittedly rather extreme incidents at the American prisons in Baghdad display, employees who have nothing to do but have to work in particularly rigidly organized social systems make up very strange ideas when boredom increases. The as charming as intelligent female soldier whose surname alone might cause radicalized fundamentalists to launch a terrorist attack on Great Britain is a case in point. Any way we look at it - boredom is dangerous, regardless if an employed or an unemployed person feels it.

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